How to safely eat at restaurants in New Normal

During this pandemic the world community began to establish New Normal in their respective countries to help the economy of their communities. People keep working and doing activities as usual. However, it must be remembered that you must take care of yourself. Keep doing social distancing, and do the following things.

Look for Information Regarding Restaurant Readiness

Before choosing a restaurant to eat with friends or family, you will definitely dig up information about that place first, right, Ladies? Especially regarding food menu and restaurant location. In new normal times, you should add more information that needs to be known before visiting the restaurant.

Find out the restaurant’s readiness in dealing with new normal. The readiness covers whether the restaurant provides adequate handwashing, soap and hand sanitizer, how the restaurant arranges seating, and most importantly is the health standard of the restaurant for its employees.

Usually, restaurants that are concerned about this will put all information on social media. So, don’t forget to check their social media before you visit

Wash your hands at least 3 times

Washing hands is still the best way to prevent viruses. When you want to eat dine in at a restaurant, at least wash your hands 3 times. First, wash your hands shortly after entering the restaurant. This is to prevent the spread of the virus from outside the restaurant.

Then, wash your hands when you want to eat. This is important because when you arrive, you will usually hold and flip through the menu book. The menu book at the restaurant certainly has been held by many people. So make sure you wash your hands again after the food is served, ladies.

Finally, wash your hands when leaving the restaurant. Make sure your hands are clean of viruses before you get back in the car.

Continue to use PPE

When in a restaurant, you must keep using a mask until the food menu comes. Likewise when finished eating, immediately reuse your mask, Ladies. With this self-protection tool, you not only protect yourself, but also protect others.

Use your own cutlery

For those of you who are still worried, it never hurts to bring your own cutlery. At the very least, always prepare spoons, forks, to portable straws for you to take to travel. That way, you won’t share cutlery with other visitors.